Thoughts I've Had While Out of Reach of my Journal

3:32 p.m., 8/15/23: Our reality is a dystopia of hyperindividualism* and of homogeny**.

*The Road by Cormac McCarthy

**1984; Fahrenheit 451

I took a break from Instagram for a few days after a week or more of disillusionment. I re-downloaded it today, and the whole thing is shit. I hope I continue to feel like this (not dependent on Instagram, that is). The world chugs on and on-- does social media make it easier for people to be bystanders? by constantly exposing them to how many other people there are in the world and by showing that the only change comes from glacial government power?

My sister Hannah is happily complacent in the capitalism/consumerism system. She's the perfect cog. Me? I'm too tired for the Grind. And my brain goes so much more slowly when I'm not immersing myself, in an attempt to be engaged with, in The Constant Now. God! I feel like I'm just waking up. I'm bad at reading, but I feel like I want to read about Marxism or something. Like the main character in those dystopian stories who finds one of those Old Books written by some undiscovered philosopher and starts to consider a life different from the demoralizing reality they haven't questioned before.

We're living in dystopia *now*. It's probably always been this bad. It's not going to get swept away by some rebel movement, though, because we're all too sedated (and, yet, starved) to band together and fight this thing. Not to mention divided, increasingly so thanks to the Internet (and the polarized, immobilized government!).

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